Blog Post

6 Tips for cycling in this mega weather

Darren Blackstock • 25 July 2018

Remember those times when we would dream of heading down in to Europe to ride in the beautiful warm weather. And then the Summer of 2018 surprises us with some epic warm weather.

I know it’s all pretty obvious common-sense stuff, but please remember these crucial things when cycling in these beaut conditions:

#1 .... Drink lots, a nd do you know what, it’s OK to carry 2 bottles. In this heat you’re going to dehydrate quickly. So drink lots. And one cheeky tip … take one bottle from the tap, and the other from the freezer, when you get to your second bottle it will still be nice and cold. Thank me later.

#2 .... Sun lotion, every cyclist needs crisp tan lines right? But no cyclist wants tan lines showing off red sore sunburn. Always all day sun lotion, and high factor people.

#3 .... Food, still super-mega-important, eat regularly, you don’t want to bonk in the sun!

#4 .... Plan, know your route so you know your drink and food stops. Always important to know where and when you are going to replenish your water and food stocks, have somewhere in mind, and don’t short cut it.

#5 .... Melting tarmac is slippy as hell. Some of the UK roads are slowly falling apart in this heat. Only a couple of weeks ago when cycling over some melting tarmac in the Lake District, I initially thought I had a mechanical due to the bizarre noise it made. And although I didn’t fall off, I wasn’t prepared for how slippy melting tarmac is in the corners. Take care hitting those apex’s.

#6 .... Know your limits, hot weather riding is not the time to see how far or how fast you can go. Reign it in, and remember, Strava KOMs are easier to grab when it’s windy.

Most importantly - get out there and enjoy this fabulous weather. Before we know it, it will be Autumn, and we’ll all be moaning about the wind, the wet, the cold and having to clean our bikes after every outing. Happy Summer Cycling.

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